CoQuS Colloquium - David Moore


On Monday, 14 October 2019, David Moore, Yale University, will speak about “Precision searches for new physics optically levitated sensors”

Seminar Talk


David Moore

Yale University

 "Precision searches for new physics using optically levitated sensors"



New technologies building on tools developed in atomic and optical physics are enabling the control of mechanical objects in the quantum regime. Such technologies can provide extreme sensitivity to tiny forces and accelerations acting on massive objects, allowing new searches for weakly coupled interactions that could be related to dark matter, dark energy, or other new physics beyond the Standard Model.  These experiments at the "precision frontier" of particle physics may give the first hints of new processes that occur at energies out of reach of direct searches at particle accelerators.

I will describe work to develop optomechanical force sensors capable of detecting sub-attonewton acting on optically trapped, micron-sized test masses. Such sensors can allow the detection of new forces that appear at shorter distance, or weaker coupling, than could be identified with previous techniques. I will present results to-date from using these sensors to search for dark matter  particles with tiny electric charges as well as new forces that appear in certain models attepmting to account for dark energy. Future development of these techniques can anable a new generation of sensitive searches for "fifth" forces that couls arise from physics beyond the Standard Model.


Monday, 14 October 2019

16:30  get-together with coffe and snacks!


Lise-Meitner Lecture Hall, Strudlhofgasse 4, 1st floor, 1090 Vienna

The seminar talk will be prededed by a CoQuS Student talk at 17:00h

Jakob Hinney

TU Wien

"Observation of Squeezed Light from an Ensemble of Weakly Coupled Emitters"


Hosted by: Markus Aspelmeyer