CoQuS Colloquium Winter Term 2013/2014
Colloquia organized by Peter Rabl & Philip Walther
Student presentations organized by Georg Winkler
| Colloquium Speaker | Title | Student‘s Presentation |
Oct. 1st, 15:00 – 16:00 Hrs | Philip Walther | Introduction to the quantum teaching program winter term 2013/14 (Location: Ernst Mach Hall, Boltzmanngasse 5, 2nd floor) |
Oct. 7th | L. Molenkamp, Universität Würzburg
Oct. 14th
| Morgan Mitchell ICFO-Barcelona
| Entanglement-enhanced atomic sensors Benoit Descamps Propagation of information in local dissipative sysems |
Oct. 21st |
| Reserved for the CoQuS team! |
Oct. 28th
| Domenico Giulini Universität Bremen
| Quantum Mechanics and the Equivalence Principle | Mehmet Burak Sahinoglu - Topological order, Quantum Marginals & Entropies
Nov. 4th
| Achim Rosch University of Cologne
| Skyrmions, Monopoles and Berry phases in chiral magnets
| Jonas Rodewald - Experiments with the OTIMA interferometer
Nov. 5th | Meinrat Andreae MPI Mainz | “Boltzmann Lecture” TBA |
Nov. 11th | Yanbei Chen | Macroscopic Quantum Objects | Jonas Rodewald - Experiments with the OTIMA interferometer
Nov. 12th | Jocelyn Burnell, Pulsare | «Lise Meitner-Lecture»
Nov. 25th 17:30 hrs – Hörsaal 5, 2. Stock, grüner Bereich TU Wien, Freihaus | Amir Yacoby, Harvard University, USA | Quantum information processing and metrology using few electron spins in solids |
Nov. 25th 15:00 hrs students talk! 15:30 hrs CoQuS Talk! TU Wien, Freihaus Seminarraum 138A
| Mauro D’Ariano, Qubit, Italy
| Foundations of Quantum Field Theory in the light of Quantum Information: The Dirac equation from information-theoretical principles
| Amir Tavala - Interfacing photoreceptors with a quantum optical source
Dec. 2nd 14:00 hrs Lise Meitner Lecture Hall | Lev Vaidman
| Asking photons where they have been |
Dec. 2nd | Thomas Pohl | Free-space supersolidity in ultracold gases | Max Tillmann - Boson sampling - immanants and Verification
Dec. 16th 15:45 hrs! Lise-Meitner Lecture Hall
| Hans Briegel
| Quantum agents, simulation and biology
Jan. 13th 15:45 hrs! Lise-Meitner Lecture Hall
| Antoine Broawyaes Institut d'Optique Graduate School
| Experimental investigation of the dipole-dipole interaction between few cold atoms none |
Jan. 13th | Roland Netz, Universität Berlin | Interfacial water at biological and inorganic surfaces: super capacitors, aqueous lubrication and possible health issues of radio-frequency radiation |
Jan. 20th | Xiang Zhang University of California, Berkeley | Optical Metamaterials: Negative Refraction, Super-lens and Plasmon Lasers | Matthias Schreitl
Jan. 27th | Frank Koppens ICFO Spain
| Graphene quantum Nano optoelectronics | Michael Keller |
* The location for the Vienna Physics Colloquium will be announced case by case