CoQuS Winter Semester 17/18

Lectures, Seminars and Lab Courses

University of Vienna


Grundlagen der modernen Quantenphysik (260065) (Master & Lehramt)

Professor(s): Aspelmeyer, Bertlmann, Hiesmayr, Verstraete, Zeilinger 


  • Focus: Theory of quantum structure and geometry of space, time and matter, Kochen-Specker theorem, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, Bell inequalities, EPR-Bell like experiments  Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger experiment  informationtheory  neutron and atom interferometry, atom and molecule optics, double-slit experiments, interference in micro- to macrosystems, nano-oscillators

When:   Thu    Exact dates will follow later. 

Where: Viktor-Franz-Hess-HS (Währinger Str. 17)

ECTS Credits :  2 hrs, 5,0

ECTS Requirements:  Introduction into modern development in quantum physics


Quantum Optomechanics (260358) – Bachelor & Master

Professor(s): Markus Aspelmeyer


The Quantum regime of massive mechanical systems opens up a new parameter-regime for experimental physics. Relevant topics range from quantum measurement to macroscopic quantum superpositions. We will discuss relevant important literature on that topic.

When:  Thu 05.10.2017 - 25.01.2018, 11:30-13:00       

Where: SR, Zi.3354A, 3rd floor

ECTS Credits :  2 hrs, 5.0 ECTS   

Requirements: Understanding of the course


Tensor network methods in quantum many body systems (260049) (Master)

Professor(s): Frank Verstraete


  • This course will cover the topic of entanglement in quantum many body systems, with a special emphasis on its applications in atomic, condensed matter and high energy physics. Matrix product states, projected entangled pair states, and the entanglement renormalization group will play a special role.

When:  Block  14.11. – 29.11.2017 

ECTS Credits :  2 hrs, 2.50 ECTS

Lab course

Praktikum (Lab course) „Quantum Optics“ (260211)

Professor(s): Philip Walther 


  • Violation of Bell´s inequalities
  • Photon-Experiments
  • Physics on Lasers
  • Sources and detectors for molecular quantum optics
  • Molecule interferometry


  • 4 experiments (Bell-experiment + molecule interferometry + Laser/Spectro/Trapping) for each experiment test of theoretical background
  • 2 protocols (one individual plus one individual/joint) 

When:  05.02. – 23.02.2018, (Kick Off: 04.12.2017 at 11:45)

ECTS Credits : 8 hrs, 10.0 ECTS   

Limited number of participants, max. 18


Molecular Quantum Optics (260043) – (Bachelor & Master)

Professor(s): Markus Arndt 


  • Laser cooling of atoms
  • Laser cooling of diatomic and triatomic molecules
  • Bose Einstein condensation of atoms
  • Bose Einstein condensation of molecules
  • Stark deceleration of molecules
  • Buffer gas cooling of molecules
  • Cold molecules by photoassociation of cold atoms  
  • Review of molecular diffraction at surfaces, Poisson’s spot, mechanical and optical gratings (H2, He2, D2, Na2)
  • Overview over molecule interferometry: MZI, RB, TLI, KDTLI, OTIMA
  • Sympathetic cooling of proteins with atomic ions
  • Cavity cooling of dielectric nanospheres and nanorods
  • Cold Proteins from electrosprays in cold buffer gases
  • Laser methods to launch intact DNA, Viruses and Bacteria in the gas phase

When: Mon    13:30 – 16:00   Room 55, 1st floor

Start: 20.11.2017 

ECTS Credits: 2 hrs, 5.00 ECTS


  • You are present 80% of all meetings and you deliver:
  • 5-page English handout (before the talk), your first submission to MA is graded
  • 45 min PPT presentation (graded after your talk)
  • Discussion part (graded after the discussion)
  • Selected students can do an experimental Bachelor thesis linked to this seminar
  • Cancellation of participation until end of Oct 2017

Prerequisites: E3 or T2 or equivalent   //  Useful but less binding: AMOP Lecture, QO Lab course


Modern Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (260007) (Master)

Modern Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (260007) – Lecture 

Professor(s): Časlav Brukner


  • Presentation of traditional and modern no-go theorems for quantum theory & underlying physical ideas and techniques that enable the reconstruction of quantum formalism therefrom
  • Topics: Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, Kochen-Specker theorem, Bell’s theorem, non-local boxes, non-local and no-signalling polytopes, no finite-speed influences, non-extendibility of quantum theory,  Pusey-Barrett-Rudolph theorem, no finite information content in a quantum system, generalized probabilistic theories, reconstructions of quantum theory, quantum theory with no causal order.

When: Mon 02.10.2017 - 29.01.2018  09.45-11.15         Josef-Stefan-HS    
ECTS Credits: 2 hrs, 2,5 ECTS
Requirements: Theoretische Physik I-II

Lab course

Specialization Module Quantum Optics (260165) – PR (Master)

Professor(s): Arndt, Aspelmeyer, Brukner, Hiesmayr, Verstraete, Fuentes, Walther, Zeilinger


This course is a „training on the job“ 

You need to be accepted as a master student in one of these groups to be eligible for these credits.

Technical University


VO 141.A10 Quantum Optics 1

Professors: Rabl, Schumm, Rauschenbeutel

When: TBD

ECTS Credits: 3

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PR 387.079 Projektarbeit Nanophotonik

Professors: Unterrainer

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PA 141.095 Quantum Optics

Professors: Rauschenbeutel

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PA 141.A27 Atomic clocks and Metrology

Professors: Schumm

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PA 141.A15 Quantum Technology

Professors: Schmiedmayer, Rabl

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)


VO 387.078 Nano-Photonik

Professors: Unterrainer


  • Metamaterialien
  • Photonische Kristalle
  • Optische Eigenschaften von 2D Materialien

When: TBD

ECTS Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PA 353.030 Projektarbeit Quantenoptik

Professors: Unterrainer

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PA 141.A13 Nanophotonics

Professors: Rauschenbeutel

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Project Works

PA 141.214 Ultracold atoms and spectroscopy

Professors: Schmiedmayer

Where: TBD

ECT Credits: TBD

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)

Lab Course

PR 141.A12 Praktikum (Lab course) „Quantum Physics"

Professors: Schumm, Rauschenbeutel, Schmiedmayer


  • Lab course where you can experience first hand the basic phenomena of Quantum Physics. 


  • 8 brand-new setups
  • one afternoon each
  • small teams (1-3)

ECT Credits: 4
Location: TBD

Sign up for labs by mail to:

For details please consult the online TU-Study System TISS  (starting from 02.10.2017)